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Saturday, August 06, 2005

Top of the Pops

Through the International Student Activities Office, we were invited to attend a taping of "Top of the Pops." It is a British version of MTV's TRL. New Zealand gets in on the action by using taped performances from the British show and mixing in performances that take place here. There's even a Kiwi Carson Daley whose name is Bede and I got a chance to talk to him. Meeting the host wasn't exactly the highlight of my evening; it was the equivalent of meeting a local news anchor -- cool but nothing to write home about. Anyways, we were told by ISAO to "dress up as if were going to a club." So my friends and I got all decked out but when we arrived, we saw nothing but little teeny-boppers in their punk rock outfits. Meanwhile we all looked like junior executives from Bank of America. Of course we also didn't know the band that was performing, "Elemenop" (pronounced LMNOP). As lame as it all was, it was very cool to watch the process of creating a TV show. Surprisingly, there were only about 50 audience members but to make it seem as though the audience was packed, we were constantly told to "get closer." Well, the show airs today at 5pm so we're all going to see if we made it on TV.

Anyways, once taping wrapped, my friends and I felt we needed to redeem ourselves in the coolness category so we went dancing and had a GGGGRRREEEAAAATTTT time! I was having so much fun that I needed to be dragged out the club while I was still getting my groove on. I have been having SO much fun since I got here but that all stops this weekend when I start working on my two upcoming papers:-(.


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