Internship: Day 1
Today was the first day of my internship and it was AMAZING!! I arrived at 9am and an hour later, my boss was already buying me tea on our first break of the day. By noon we were on our way to the Hyatt for a US Chamber of Commerce luncheon where Allison Dubois was speaking. She is a medium --a psychic of sorts-- whose real life is portrayed in the new NBC show "Medium," starring Patricia Arquette. It was so cool to see Allison b/c before I left the States, I had just seen her on the Today Show promoting her new book. She discussed her experiences as a medium, talking to the deceased and how they help her solve murder mysteries; it was actually really interesting to hear her speak.
At my table, I met a group of lovely Kiwis. One woman I spoke to, Barbara, is a United Airlines sales manager. We had a most excellent conversation discussing topics that ranged from politics, to family, to things to do in New Zealand (of course!). As for the food, if I was a meat-eater, I would have enjoyed the chicken lunch a little bit better, but seeing that it was free, I made the most of my situation by eating the potatoes and veggies and drinking lots of wine. I also met a lovely older gentleman, Paul I think is his name, who was very dashing. He kept chatting me up; I think he was trying to get...all that. J/K!!!
By 2 o'clock Lisa (my boss) and I were headed back to the Consulate to pick up our stuff and head to her friend's new furniture store; he wanted her help in finding American companies willing to sell their goods in his store. Mosaner, the store, was very cute, but her Brazillian friend was even cuter :-D. We stayed briefly, trying to ascertain what US companies would be interested in bringing their business to NZ and once we were done, we left. I was home by 4pm. Not a bad way to start my internship, eh? But tomorrow is when the real work starts.
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