Kia Ora Everyone! Welcome to my Auckland study abroad blog! I will be updating the site regularly so be sure to check it out every few days. I love hearing from all of my friends and family, so please don't hesitate to leave me a comment!

Saturday, September 03, 2005


Later that night, we were treated to an island night feast and show. It was a highly commercialized and touristy event, as most of the people in the audience were visitors from New Zealand and Europe. The food and performance were good nonetheless. Dinner that night was buffet style and everything was yummy including the taro (an indigenous potato) and rukau (a spinach-like dish made from the leaves of the taro plant). However, dessert was the crown and glory of the event. Any and every kind of dessert you could image was there. By the time we all finished our two platefuls of food that night, most of us could have been rolled back to the hotel. We were stuffed, uncomfortable, and getting an onset of the sleepies. It was just like Thanksgiving and it really made us sentimental for the holidays.


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